Over the past several years there have been some significant improvements in consumer credit cards. Specifically, credit card issuers now provide consumers with very generous bonus point earning categories that far exceed what was offered just a few years ago. One of those categories where credit card issuers really reward card holders is dining out. Several…
In the world of miles and points it’s always nice to find an opportunity to double dip. Double Dipping is when you can earn 2 or more types of points/miles currencies from a single purchase. A great example of a Double Dip is when you earn Hilton Miles for Lyft rides. This means that for…
As professional sports team managers famously say to the press, this past year was a bit of a rebuilding year. What I mean by that is that this past year I focused on maximizing the credit cards I already carried vs. opening new ones and changing strategies. In doing this I was able to easily…
For the past few years American Airlines has been sending out “Year In Review” emails to AAdvantage members right before the holidays. These emails give members “a 30,000 foot view” of their travels with American Airlines and OneWorld partners. These Year In Review summaries typically include statistics on miles flown, destinations visited, time in the…
Historically airlines frequent flyer programs were all about one thing; miles. Since as long as frequent flyer programs have been around, these programs have always rewarded those customers who flew the most with a particular airline. In the past, the way airlines ranked their customers was based on one single metric and that was “butt…
Back in late August I received an email from Chase. The email outlined my mid-year rewards summary with the Chase Sapphire Reserve card. Now, the Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card was my “go-to” credit card for a pretty long time. In fact, I used little else from when Chase first released the card in 2016…
I hate to admit it, but over the past year I’ve only spend a few nights in hotels. In fact, I bet all together, I can count one hand how many of those nights were with Marriott hotels. See, the issue is that my travel habits have changes substantially since I first started blogging. Back…
By now, almost everyone knows airlines, hotels, rental car companies, and even fast food chains have loyalty programs. Airlines, in particular, design those loyalty programs to reward frequent flyers through award miles, upgrades, waived fees, and lounge access. United has the MileagePlus program, Delta has the SkyMiles program, and American Airlines has the AAdvantage program.…
Congratulations! You’ve made it! After spending countless hours on airplanes flying all over the world you’ve finally reached top-tier elite status with American Airlines. It’s no easy feat. To do so, you have to earn at least $15,000 Elite Qualifying Dollars and either 100,000 Elite Qualifying Miles or 120 Elite Qualifying Segments. To the layman, you basically…
A few weeks ago I completed (potentially) my final major trip of the year. With that quick trip to Japan I earned my 100,000th Elite Qualifying Mile and $15,000th Elite Qualifying Dollar. As a result, I unlocked another year of American Airlines AAdvantage Executive Platinum elite status. About a week after completing my trip I…