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The Most Valuable Amex Membership Reward Point

In the world of miles and points, everyone is always trying to achieve maximum value. In fact, all over the internet you have people writing blogs, much like this one (except much more popular), about their conquests. Over the years I’ve seen some pretty incredible values and even managed a few great redemptions myself. However,…
Updates To Amazon Prime Membership May 2019

Amazon Prime is quickly becoming my favorite way to buy nearly everything. I was a bit late to Prime Membership as I only signed up back in 2016. Until that point I had a car and didn’t mind driving to the store to grab what I needed. However, over time I moved closer to downtown…
Quickly Save $50 Off Combined Amazon Purchases Of $250

Amazon just rolled out an incredible promotion that allows shoppers to take 20% off combined orders of $250. In total, shopper can save up to $50 by taking advantage of this easy to use offer. Use American Express Membership Rewards Points At Checkout Amazon is currently offering up to $50 in savings when Amex customers…