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What’s In My Wallet – January 2021

And just like that, another year is in the books. Hard to believe how much fun and exciting 2020 was. In total, I did about 138 miles walking around my apartment in 2020 and I’ll hopefully do a few more this year! In all seriousness, 2020 was an odd year that completely changed all of…
The Credit Cards Currently In My Wallet Are A Bit Strange

Well, I’m about 3 weeks into social distancing, or isolation, or quarantine, or whatever else you want to call it and things are starting to get weird. With the COVID-19 pandemic hitting the United States and much of the world right now, things are looking a lot different then they were just a few weeks…
Whats In My Wallet And Why October 2018

One of the things that bothers me most about reading many credit card related blogs is that they aren’t always transparent with the cards they carry. They’ll write rave reviews about certain card and explain how you must have them, but reveal later on that they don’t carry them nor ever intend to. The reason…