Travel Tech: JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter

Travel Tech: JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter

This might surprise you, but until earlier this year I did not own an international travel adapter. In years past I just sort of always got by. Most of the time when I traveled internationally I stayed at hotels which offered either US power outlets or at least USB outlets. Also, back then, I wasn’t really traveling to “exotic” destinations. Most of the cities I visited were tourist hot spots so finding compatible outlets was never really a problem.

That all changed earlier this year when a mileage run took me to Oslo, Norway. I arrived in Oslo late one evening and had an early morning departure the next day. For that reason, I opted to stay in a small airport hotel opposed to taking the train into the city. It was in that hotel where I realized it was finally time to buy a travel adapter.

Upon entering my airport hotel room I noticed there wasn’t a single 110v power outlet. Even worse, there wasn’t a single UBS outlet in sight. For that trip I thankfully brought with me a small external battery (which I rarely carry) which gave me enough power to keep my phone charged. After that trip I realized as my travels continue to take me to more interesting destinations that I would need to carry with me a power adapter. So, when I returned home I fired up Amazon and bought one.

JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter

When I searched on Amazon for a travel adapter I found several options. Quite honestly the sheer number of choices available was a little overwhelming. There were options with detachable outlets, options that looked more like a power strips, and finally the standalone adapter options. After searching for a bit I uncovered the JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter.

JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter
JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter

The JMFONE adapter is a single, compact, and self-contained unit. It’s small size is probably the most appealing aspect of the adapter. I also found the 4 USB ports located on the bottom of this adapter extremely enticing. Nearly every electronic device I bring with me these days uses a USB outlet to charge, for that reason I have little need for an adapter that offers multiple outlets.

JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter
JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter

As you can see, along the side of the adapter is a list of countries for which the adapter works. When you get a country that requires a different plug you just slide the country of choice out of the adapter and you’re all set.

JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter
JMFONE International Universal Travel Adapter

I’ve had the adapter for a little over two months now and have taken it with me on several trips without issue. I love it because I can use it to charge my laptop, headphones, iPad, and phone all at the same time.

If you’re interested you can purchase this adapter directly from Amazon here (not an affiliate link).

Final Thoughts

I was surprised by how overwhelming the selection of power adapters was when I began my search. In the past I have purchased a standalone UK power adapter (which I subsequently lost), but after using both I can easily say this is the better option. I love how small this adapter is and it hardly takes up any space in a suitcase. Also, having the ability to charge at least 5 devices at the same time is extremely appealing given how sparse power outlets can be in airports or hotels.

Sure, I know at $20 this is one of more expensive options on the market, but after using it for a few months I’ve quickly realized that I’ll easily get my money out of it. Well, unless I lose it, then I’ll have to buy another.

Lastly, this particular adapter comes in neon green, bright blue, and all black. While I was at first skeptical of buying a neon green adapter I’ve quickly realized either bright color is the best option. As you scan your hotel room before you leave it is easy to spot which means you will not leave it behind.